Help that arrives

Support people in the poorest country of Europe

Tamara Bucur works in Moldova to ensure that people can have a future and a hope in a world with less hope.

Getting Involved


Coworking in a project

Coworkers are always welcome. If you are interested to help for a short, or long term outreach please contact us, telling us what you are interested in and from where you are. We will then contact you and discuss the possibilities.




MakING a Donation

As you might know, Moldova ist the poorest country in Europe and as we are not part of an organisation we strongly depend on donations from abroad.

Individual donations are just as welcome as recurring donations. It is easier for us to use donated money in a targeted manner than to accept aid deliveries, which often miss the target.


What Drives Us

Our Mission

The King will reply: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
(Matthews 25, 40 – The Bible)

To bring people the good news that they have peace with God through Jesus Christ and at the same time to help them in their external circumstances as much as we can. That is what drives us.